Powerful text editors like SlickEdit and Vim provide a command line to quickly find and replace text without ever touching the mouse:
The free KCommands extension for Visual Studio 2017/2019 provides similar command line to quickly find and replace text without taking your hands off of the keyboard:
Example commands:
f /bool - find next "bool" in the current document with default options (match case) f /bool/iw - find next "bool" ignoring case and matching whole word f/bool - the space after the command name can be omitted f /BOOL/w* - find all usages of "BOOL" in the solution r /BOOL/bool/w - replace all "BOOL" with "bool" in the current document r ./.\ - use another character (in this case . instead of /) as a command separator to replace slash with backslash
Download KCommands from the official site or Visual Studio Marketplace.
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